Vazhakku Enn 18/9 Review…a moving story that touched on crucial issues
Year: 2012
Genre: Relations, Social Justice, Crime, Drama
Cast: Sri, Urmila Mahanta, Mithun Murali, Manisha Yadav, Chinnasamy, Rethika Srinivas, Muthuraman
Director: Balaji Shakthivel
Writer: Balaji Shakthivel
Cinematographer: Vijay Milton
Summary: In a society where the rich and influential rule, the poor are always oppressed. That’s the case of Velu, a street vendor, who must prove his innocence after being accused of physical assault
Overall Rating: Feast
There is no way you can watch Vazhakku Enn 18/9 without shedding tears or getting angry. This was a moving storytelling that touched on crucial issues in our society
~Worth Watching~
—One aspect that stood out in Vazhakku Enn 18/9 was the cinematography. You can tell Vijay Milton enjoys being behind the camera. The versatility of shots and angles took the story to another level, bravo!
—Vazhakku Enn 18/9 was such a down-to-earth story showing how Velu coming from humble beginnings in a rural area struggled to seek better opportunities in the city.
The people he met, both sympathetic and dishonest, helped shape his character. On the other hand, we witnessed Aarthi, a young rich girl, seeking fulfilling relationships in the city
—Great warnings about the fragility of boy-girl relationships and the atrocities done on the poor (we’ll stop here to avoid spoiling the movie for ya 😉 ).
What we admired in the story was Velu’s and Aarthy’s sincerity in a world plagued with evil
—There were no boring moments, everything just flowed smoothly. Using flashbacks to tell a story can be poorly executed at times, but this wasn’t the case here; the nice transitions to the past enhanced the narrative
—Make-up and costume designers did a spectacular job on the actors; they looked like actual people living on the streets, especially when it came to Velu’s denture
—Acting was natural across the cast and kudos to Aarthi (Manisha Yadav)!
—Dubbing suffered a little 🙁
Viewers’ Guide
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