Poovarasam Peepee Review…too much to chew at once
Year: 2014
Genre: Friendship, Social Justice, Investigation, Crime, Teens, Drama
Cast: C. Gaurav Kaalai, Pravin Kishore, Vasanth, Kali, Sai Hari, Karthik, Sundar, Samuthirakani
Director: Halitha Shameem
Writer: Halitha Shameem
Cinematographer: Manoj Paramahamsa
Summary: Three teens (Venu, Kapil, and Harish) investigate the murder of a woman whose rape they just witnessed
Overall Rating: Beignets
What an original plot with a refreshing vibe seeing young boys take on detective roles!
As a result, we were expecting so much from Poovarasam Peepee to transport us into a magnificent storytelling but sadly too much was given to chew at once
~Worth Watching~
—The kid actors all worked well together, having flowing chemistry. They looked like the kids we see daily on the street, always having fun, teasing one another, and coming up with crazy games
—Hats off to Halitha Shameem for an inspiring and creative story. It was fascinating to observe how Venu, Kapil, and Harish maneuvered simple but cunning techniques in order to figure out the perpetrators
—Poovarasam Peepee called out the youth to be vigilant and come together to stand up for justice as we must all be one another’s keeper
—Manoj Paramahamsa paid attention to important details with his close-up angles; the camera movements were engaging us and lighting worked nicely
—Poovarasam Peepee contained many elements that it was hard to follow the narrative: one moment, we’re introduced to a female character (Annapoorni) who seemed to be instrumental to the plot, then she’s no longer seen; another moment, there’s a talk about religious riots, that really didn’t affect much the story, etc.
Other unnecessary items could have been omitted to focus on the main objective
—Color grading suffered a bit with the yellow and green palettes used that were inconsistent throughout the movie and the score was unfortunately not smoothly edited 🙁
—The weak dubbing, unfortunately, distracted us from being completely immersed in Poovarasam Peepee
Viewers’ Guide