Vettu Review (short film)… great acting and great message
Year: 2021
Genre: Politics, Crime, Thriller
Cast: Ligin T Girijan, Benny Kuriyan, VK Sudheer Kochi, Vishnu BT, Manu Sudheer,
Director: Anoop Ravindran, Esa, Amal Varghese
Writer: Anoop Ravindran
Cinematographer: Bibin Binu, Anu Mohan
Summary: Reji, a political party member, has just been assassinated by unknown people; his friend Giri is determined to avenge him
Overall Rating: Feast
We loved Vettu!! Great story, great acting, and great message!
A wake-up call for political aficionados to examine themselves and the dirty game of politics
~Worth Watching~
—Many thank yous for providing the story’s background at the beginning which helped us understand the plot’s setting 🙏🏾
—The feud between political parties reminded us of the feud between gangs: you kill one of us, we kill one of you, and the cycle never ends. Vettu exposed the actual gravity of this situation. To see political members’ lives representing nothing in the eyes of the leaders was poignant…
The film raised a good point on why these members continue to affiliate themselves with those leaders knowing well they could be used as ‘martyrs’ to achieve a political agenda
—The end was jaw-dropping, it sealed the story and showed the extent of the matter (no spoilers intended 🤐)
—Good job on the acting!
—”So, if we lie to the government, it’s felony; but if they lie to us, it’s politics”, this quote from the movie summed up the heart of Vettu. Politicians are on top ruling over the people while having an open field to do whatever without being reprimanded
—Color grading was a little flat and didn’t accentuate the characters and environment, especially during the night scenes
Viewers’ Guide
Language none Violence Intimacy none