Storm Review (short film)… elegant story, unrefined script
Year: 2020
Genre: Relations, Sickness, Romance
Cast: Diane Russet, Daniel Etim-Effiong, Daniel Atteh, Ike Onyema
Director: Michael Akinrogunde
Writer: Michael Akinrogunde
Cinematographer: Barnabas Emordi
Summary: It was a late food delivery that sparked a conversation between Ata and Storm on the phone and the rest, as they say, was history
Overall Rating: Water
‘Storm’ was a beautiful and elegant story with tremendous potential that wasn’t properly utilized. It could have taken us by storm if only the script was more refined
~Yours To Explore~
—The elegance of the set design is what captivated us at first glance: Ata’s room was garnished with amazing decor, Storm’s house had gorgeous architecture, and the restaurant, where the food was ordered from, was quite fancy
—The story was presented in a relatable manner; we immediately put ourselves in Ata’s shoes having to deal with a late delivery service and engaging in a conversation with a stranger on the phone
—As always, there’s no way to resist Daniel Etim-Effiong’s (playing Storm) seduction from his gentle and manly voice to his sweet facial expression, we were hooked 😍
—Background music was really loud to the extent of overpowering the dialogues, especially during the critical moment when Ata (Diana Russet) goes to inquire about Storm at the restaurant
—Ata was just a pretty girl, not inviting us into her world; there weren’t many details to get to know her personally
—’Storm’ addressed a sensitive topic in a shallow way, were it not for the information provided at the end, we wouldn’t have been moved by the screenplay. Some of the elements of the narrative appeared too fairy talish like the letter written by Storm and the closing scene.
Moreover, the data provided at the end didn’t call us much to action or add great knowledge
Viewers’ Guide
Language Violence none Intimacy none