No Way Out Review…important story but poor acting
Year: 2022
Genre: Depression, Survival, Thriller
Cast: Ramesh Pisharody, Raveena Nair, Basil Joseph, Dharmajan Bolgatty
Director: Nithin Devidas
Writer: Nithin Devidas
Cinematographer: Vargheese David
Summary: David, an unemployed man, is loaded with unsurmountable debts during the pandemic lockdown; with no way to solve his issues, he resorts to suicide that…isn’t going according to plan
Overall Rating: Nuts
No Way Out is a story that needed to be told on the many people who were trapped with severe financial problems during the pandemic.
The most significant aspect of a survival-type movie is the acting that needs to sell the story; alas, this wasn’t the case here 😞
~Yours To Explore~
—Great work on the cinematography with a variety of camera techniques that zoomed in on the littlest details.
Focusing on David’s eyes, neck, lips, and other body parts during the act of suicide really helped capture the agonizing atmosphere
—No Way Out is an appropriate narrative that people can identify with; David (Ramesh Pisharody) was at the brink of the cliff dealing with a business venture interrupted by the pandemic.
On top of owing different parties, he was expecting a baby; his struggle was real!
—The loud message that No Way Out sent was to never ever give up.
There’s always a light at the end of the tunnel, maybe not today or tomorrow, but that day will surely come. If it’s too enduring to wait, remember that desperate measures can lead to graver consequences
—David’s makeup before the suicidal act didn’t show a man in distress. He looked so fresh and clean that it was impossible to tell he was suffering
—Because a survival movie mainly centers on the individual fighting to live, it’s imperative for the actor to be convincing.
Ramesh Pisharody’s emotions appeared artificial, they weren’t coming from within. He was just portraying someone in pain as opposed to living the pain. At that point, we became more like observers than sympathizers
—The editing didn’t really enhance the scenario, especially when it came to the transitions between past and present segments
—It was a little unrealistic that David maintained balance for a lonnnggg time on a fragile chair positioned on top of a broken table
Viewers’ Guide
LanguageViolence none Intimacy none
Available on
(Audio: Malayalam; English Subtitles: Yes)