No Good Turn review (short film)… it was quite touching…
Year: 2016
Genre: Relations, Terrorism, Drama
Cast: Udoka Oyeka, Norbert Young, Sani Mu’azu, Waje, Anthony Madagwa
Director: Udoka Oyeka
Writer: Udoka Oyeka
Cinematographer: Kagho Idhebor
Summary: An emergency room, overflooded by several casualties after a terrorist attack, becomes the platform to test the humaneness of many
Overall Rating: BBQ
Terrorist attack reports can become such a broken record these days that we don’t really care until it becomes personal. And No Good Turn did an exceptional job to show the reality of those affected by these events. Quite touching…
~Worth Watching~
—It was so real to see the chief doctor (Udoka Oyeka) resorting to drinking alcohol in order to stay ‘sane’ after seeing so many casualties at once. Doctors are humans too and need a way to cope
—No Good Turn had a simple set, simple costume, but a powerful story! People’s humanity was put on the hot seat in light of an atrocious act. It’s easy to defend people, ignore or rationalize events when you’re not concerned, but when tragedy hits home, reactions become different
—The dark color grading adequately stressed the depressing environment
—The makeup work on the wounded patients was well done; it intensified the disastrous effects of terrorism
—Soundtrack lyrics were real and depicted the actual state of people. We just hear of these terrorist attacks without doing much to halt them. As long as we’re not personally affected, no one seems to take action
—Acting could have been a little more dramatic to stir our emotions. Lines were delivered in a rehearsed rather than a natural way
Viewers’ Guide
Intimacy none
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(Audio: English; English Subtitles: No)