Mmachi Review (short film)… a refreshing feel-good film
Year: 2018
Genre: Self-Discovery, Drama, Romance
Cast: Anee Icha, Jide Oyegbile, Ahneeka
Director: Igbokweuche Chidinma
Writer: Igbokweuche Chidinma
Cinematographer: Lawrence Adejumo
Summary: Mmachi, a corpulent social media personality, operates under a fake profile photo; when her crush plans to come to town, she resolves to lose weight in a matter of days
Overall Rating: Beignets
‘Mmachi’ was so fun to watch 😀 It was a sweet demonstration of loving oneself inside out without succumbing to society’s pressure. A feel-good film that served as a refresher
~Worth Watching~
—’Mmachi’ was a down-to-earth plot we could identify with either because we’ve created fake profiles ourselves or know someone who did. Though the storyline was obvious, it was still a nice reminder about the dangers of this practice
—Seeing Mmachi’s different attempts to lose weight quickly was moving to watch…The poor girl struggled a lot just to have that perfect image, we felt for her. Mmachi (Anee Icha) was that girl next door just trying to fit into cultural expectations with a determined will
—The film stressed the value of self-esteem, and like Mmachi’s friend (Ahneeka) said “you can’t kill yourself over a man”, be you for you, not to impress or squeeze into society’s standards
—Audio towards the end in the parking lot wasn’t too perceptible. If anyone’s wondering what the man’s first question was, here it is “are you the one that hacked my app?”
—Score editing was, unfortunately, not attractive; music was cutting on and off unexpectedly disturbing the flow of the movie
—It would have been more potent if the end deviated from the norm because we could already foretell the closing segments of the story
Viewers’ Guide
Language none Violence none Intimacy none
Available on
(Audio: English; English Subtitles: No)