Love Today Review… the cast and crew outdid themselves!
Year: 2022
Genre: Self-Discovery, Romance, Drama
Cast: Pradeep Ranganathan, Ivana, Raveena Ravi, Sathyaraj, Radhika Sarathkumar, Yogi Babu, Finally Bhaath, Adithya Kathir, Akshaya Udayakumar
Director: Pradeep Ranganathan
Writer: Pradeep Ranganathan
Cinematographer: Dinesh Purushothaman
Summary: When Nikhita’s father finds out that she’s dating Pradeep, he challenges the lovers to swap phones for 4 days in order to test their love
Overall Rating: Feast
Confession Time: Looking at Love Today’s trailer, we were yawning, we didn’t even feel like seeing the movie because we knew it was going to be dull. With no great Kollywood releases lately, we just summoned the courage to watch this movie knowing fully well we would be bored…
Let’s just say that Pradeep Ranganathan & team OUTDID themselves! Totally amazed at the immense quality delivered in this production, our jaws dropped! Respect 🙌🏾
~Worth Watching~
—Where to even start? Everything was so meticulously executed 😃 The editing was top-notch, very entertaining and active; the graphics and animation inserted enhanced the narrative and increased our engagement
—The screenplay was saturated with diverse characters who were amusing (like the little boy Pulthish), irritating, and helping us better understand the plot (like Pradeep’s sister and her fiancé)
—At first glance, we thought Love Today was going to be a childish tale about a boy and girl picking fights over what they saw on each other’s phone, ‘cos the movie started out this way.
As the story progressed, it delved into profound meanings of themes like privacy, trust, inner peace, genuine love, self-respect, honor, resilience, bullying, etc. That was when we began to really pay attention
We thought we knew where Love Today was headed but Pradeep Ranganathan had a bigger horizon in store for us
—Nikhita’s father (Sathyaraj) takes the best actor award. He blew us away with his different facial expressions: he was creepy, stern, hilarious, disciplinary, and also calm. Hard to know whether he was a friend or foe 😅
—The cinematography and lighting were just mmm good! So refined and carefully executed. The yellow color grading nicely emphasized the jealous vibe hovering over Pradeep and Nikhita as well as Pradeep’s sister and her fiancé
—That mango tree analogy was the show-stopper! It sealed the purpose of the movie and we were applauding Pradeep for coming up with such a brilliant idea to illustrate his point. To avoid spoilers, we’re going to stop here 🤐
—There are so many other superb elements to highlight, nonetheless, we want to spotlight a powerful line from one of the characters “When was the last time I was at peace? It was when I trusted everybody around me. Then what’s stopping us from trusting others? If they cheat us then it’ll be them who’ll lose their inner peace. Why should we lose our inner peace?”
Nothing bland found
Viewers’ Guide
Language: Violence:
Available on
(Audio:: Tamil ; English Subtitles: Yes)