Burqa Review… we looooved Burqa!
Year: 2023
Genre: Tradition, Faith, Relations, Self-Discovery, Drama
Cast: Mirnaa, Kalaiyarasan, GM Kumar, Suriyanarayanan
Director: Sarjun KM
Writer: Sarjun KM, Anusuya Vasudevan
Cinematographer: Balamurugan
Summary: 2 strangers find themselves trapped in a house during a riot: Surya is a wounded goon looking for help and Najma is a widow observing Iddah (a mourning and seclusion period when a woman must avoid being seen by men)
Overall Rating: Feast
We looooved Burqa! it was short, focused, and so powerful; a proof that less is more and quality is better than quantity. We can watch this movie over and over again, matter of fact, we’re going to re-watch it after writing this review😀
—So many amazing things to say about Burqa that we don’t even know where to start from, it was honestly an abundance of freshness after viewing a number of masala movies lately.
We always root for ‘less is more’ and Burqa was an efficient use of little resources to deliver a dynamic film: there were 2 main characters, 2 locations, and 2 supporting characters.
Surya (Kalaiyarasan) was a casual guy who lived from hand to mouth growing up in rough circumstances, yet, a little mysterious making us wonder what was going through his mind.
Najma (Mirnaa) was trapped by customs and ran almost mad from solitary confinement.
Burqa was captivating due to its solid screenplay that defied the status quo, raised pertinent questions, and increased the suspense
—What should we say to the director, cinematographer, and music composer? THANK YOUUU👏🏾👏🏾
Impeccable work from start to finish, each frame and score were carefully designed to plunge us into the story and gradually build up the momentum so we could know Najma’s and Surya’s deeper feelings and personalities
—It was a smart choice on the characters’ names: Surya (meaning ‘sun’) was definitely the light that brightened up Najma’s darkness and Najma (meaning ‘star’) was destined to soar high and aspire for greatness in life
—Acting was flawless, Mirnaa was able to convey anger, happiness, and groans behind her veil; kudos to Kalaiyarasan and Suriyanarayanan (playing Najma’s husband) for depicting courteous and gentle spirits
—Some movies are made to entertain while others to impact and Burqa belongs to the latter category. We just want to include some powerful quotes:
“Women are all the same, why won’t you put your needs first? You live your life based on others’ opinions and judgment. You live in constant worry and take it all with you until death”
“Religion is not the problem, it’s the people who misinterpret the principles of religion who are to be blamed”
nothing bland found
Viewers’ Guide
Language none Violence none Intimacy none
Available on
(Audio: Tamil; English Subtitles: Yes)