Bakasuran Review… thank you for upholding cultural values!
Year: 2023
Genre: Business, Social Justice, Crime, Thriller
Cast: Selvaraghavan, Natarajan, Radha Ravi, Kuty Gopi, Arunodhayan, K. Rajan, Ramachandran Durairaj, Gunanithi, Tarakshi, Sasi Laya
Director: Mohan G. Kshatriyan
Writer: Mohan G. Kshatriyan
Cinematographer: Farook J. Basha
Summary: Bakasuran follows the different paths of two men, Rasu and Arul, who have their own motives for eradicating online sex trafficking
Overall Rating: Beignets
This is a story that needed to be told for today’s generation. Bakasuran opened us to the world of online sex trafficking and its repercussions. We were well advised.
How we just wished that the acting and screenplay were more robust to take Bakasuran to higher heights!
~Worth Watching~
—We want to appreciate the director/writer, Mohan G, for conceiving this story and upholding cultural values👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾
Bakasuran presented two characters, Rasu (Selvaraghavan) and Arul (Natarajan), who were greatly troubled by the current trend of women showing and giving off their bodies via phone apps in exchange for money, something they called ‘online adultery’.
Though there were many occasions to make the movie sexual or explicit, Mohan still retained a sense of decency which was very appreciated, and various examples were illustrated to serve as lessons
—There was no heroine or female love interest for the main characters 🥳 Thank you for this originality and breaking out from the typical characters
—Several critics said the film promoted a regressive mentality of women but we beg to differ. Not every development/technology is an advancement, it’s still crucial to maintain the good side of our cultures and that’s exactly what Bakasuran showed.
The film wasn’t bashing women or technology but rather spotlighting the areas of concern and admonishing parents to foster a transparent relationship with their children in order to prevent them from falling into these sexual traps.
Our favorite quote was when Rasu advised a young girl by saying “If we lose discipline [in our life], then we will lose everything” i.e. if we don’t hold up good morals, we’ll lose our character, dignity, values, etc.
—The acting missed the target, unfortunately 🙈From the lead characters to the supporting cast, no one stood out. It appeared like one person was repeating his lines and the other one followed with his; it wasn’t flowing naturally
—Some of the sequences were quite coincidental while others lacked logic, e.g. Arul is instructing his assistant how to trap a pimp but this scene takes place outdoors few meters away from the targeted location
—The movie started off in a captivating manner with a merciless Rasu torturing an unknown person, later, we were taken straight to the meat of the story. However, toward ¾ of the film, the pace toned down with a series of predictable events when Arul traveled to inquire about Rasu. Knowing where the scenario was headed stole away the thrill
Viewers’ Guide
Language Violence
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(Audio: Tamil; English Subtitles: Yes)