1929 Review…women’s resilience at its best
Year: 2019
Genre: True Story, Social Justice, Period, Crime, Drama
Cast: Ireti Doyle, Sola Sobowale, Sam Dede, Becky Odungide, Ndy Akan, Tony Solomon, Kediana Abasi Kam, Idongesit Thompson
Director: Moses Eskor
Writer: Moses Eskor, Winifred Rosa, Idiongomfon Akpan
Cinematographer: Emeka Ezemonye, Kingsley Bassey
Summary: 1929, the year Abasi women gathered together to lead an unswerving protest against the tax-imposing British regime
Overall Rating: BBQ
What a heartbreaking story! 1929 told us about an event we weren’t even aware of and it was moving to see the women’s resilience during the colonial era. Well done
~Worth Watching~
—We wanna just stand up right now and clap for Ireti Doyle (playing Adiaha Edem) and Sola Sobowale (playing Mama Miroba) for an impeccable performance!
These Abasi women were fierce, zealous, determined, courageous, but also weak. They worked in perfect collaboration with each other.
Sola Sobowale has the tendency to shout a lot in her movies but in 1929, it made sense to do it 😀 The shouting was necessary to exhibit her wrath toward the oppressing officers
—We loved the brown color grading representing the soil/land and endurance, themes highlighted in the movie
—1929 taught us a powerful history that we will remember forever.
As in the words of Adiaha Edem “Today, 16th December of December 1929, we take our justice to our aggressor…Today we will march in protest…we know that we do not have bullets but my sisters, we will develop a thick skin to resist their bullets” hmm…
Incorporating other characters into the story such as Mama Miroba’s daughter and her lover, the headmaster, as well the runaway men gave us a good understanding of the setting.
As long as the women stood united, they could conquer their enemies, however, when there was division, there was failure
—Costume and hair designs were beautifully executed giving us an idea of the style back then
—Dubbing of the District Officer’s (DO) voice was a little inadequate
—The score and soundtracks were not smoothly edited; they were introduced and cut abruptly
—One of the most essential parts we needed to see was the killings (as bad as this sounds 🙂 It was necessary to stir our feelings; the lack of it made the movie a bit unreal
Viewers’ Guide
Language Violence
Intimacy none
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(Audio: English, Igbo; English Subtitles: Yes)